Additional Resources
This Beyond the Basics webinar was presented in partnership with the National Health Law Program on April 28, 2022. Mara Youdelman, Managing Attorney at the National Health Law Program, provided information on marketplace appeals, detailing what decisions can be appealed, how to file an appeal, and ways to expedite the appeal process.
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Which Issues Can Be Appealed & Where
- Marketplace appeals
- Marketplace call center casework
- Insurer appeals
- State Department of Insurance appeals
- Requesting a marketplace eligibility appeal
- Timeframes for requesting an appeal
- Requesting to continue APTC during an appeal
- Valid vs invalid appeals
Role of Assisters in the Appeals Process
- Who can assist in an appeal?
- How assisters can help
Appeals Process & Implementing Eligibility Decision
- First stage of an appeal: informal resolution
- Second stage of the appeal: formal resolution/hearing
- Expedited appeals
- Implementing the eligibility appeals decision