Beginning in April 2023, for the first time since early 2020, states can terminate Medicaid for people they have determined are no longer eligible. Normally, the state Medicaid agency requires enrollees to renew their coverage annually. But when the pandemic began in early 2020, Congress enacted laws to help people get through the crisis. One of those laws prohibited states from terminating people’s Medicaid coverage, so states have not been requiring enrollees to go through the annual renewal process and update their eligibility information. This policy ended effective March 31, 2023.
This FAQ focuses on helping people who lose Medicaid transition to employer-sponsored insurance.
Additional Resources
FAQ: Unwinding Medicaid Continuous Coverage
- FAQ (pdf)
- Tips for Community Partners (pdf – available in 8 languages)
Webinar: Unwinding the Medicaid COVID-19 Continuous Coverage Requirement